How Exatom stands out among their competitors

How Exatom stands out among their competitors

We like to stand out. We like the extraordinary. Optimising web forms is an art for our team. Through a series of blogs we’d like to take you through all our unique views on features that make your forms shine.

Smart tooltips case study – luxury retailer INNO

Smart tooltips case study – luxury retailer INNO

When an e-commerce website visitor adds a product to their shopping cart, it doesn’t mean that the actual purchase will happen. Even the start of the check-out is no guarantee for a conversion…

The webform optimisation pyramid

The webform optimisation pyramid

In this blog we would like to share our webform optimisation pyramid with you, which helps you to structure and prioritise your efforts to improve the conversion rate on webforms or check-out pages…

What makes webforms perform well?

What makes webforms perform well?

There are many possibilities to make your webforms perform better and deliver more conversions at the end of the day. Most – if not all – are known to marketeers and none of them are real rocket science…

The origin of the name “Exatom’’

The origin of the name “Exatom’’

Do you know that feeling? When multiple thoughts, events and trends all come together at the right time? That was the feeling we had when we started to conceptualise our future company, Exatom…

Emerce Conversion 21 april 2022

Emerce Conversion 21 april 2022

Exatom will be joining the Emerce Conversion on April 21st this year. Emerce Conversion is a digital marketing event tailored to marketers who are keen to experiment, learn, and are interested in optimizing their…